
Dutch Roadshow focussed on the ban on routine tail docking

  • Subject
    Roadshow in The Netherlands, 28-29 June 2023
  • Target audience
    Policy workers, official veterinarians, animal welfare inspectors
More info and sources
EURCAW-Pigs organised a third Roadshow meeting to exchange with animal welfare officials of EU Member States. It was held in the Netherlands on June 28 and 29, and was a follow-up of similar meetings in Germany and Denmark. For the Dutch Roadshow meeting all pig farm inspectors of the National Competent Authority NVWA were invited.

A total of 19 inspectors attended, who represent the three regions (North, Middle, South). The meeting was organised together with a representative from the Dutch Competent Authority. The Competent Authority asked to focus the programme on the issue that Dutch inspectors are currently most confronted with: the ban on routine tail docking. In addition, the delegates were asked to have a look at the output of EURCAW pigs and comment on it.

Topics discussed during the two-day meeting:

  • Roadmaps to long tails were presented and discussed. Which steps and measures can be taken on a farm to be able to keep pigs with long tails?
  • A farmer was invited as a guest speaker and talked about his experiences with keeping pigs with long tails and plans for the future;
  • The scientific background of risk factors for tail biting in pigs was presented. Subsequently issues and problems during inspections were discussed with our experts in small rotating groups;
  • How routine tail docking can be stopped in Finland and how Germany approaches tail docking and biting was presented and discussed on the second day;
  • How helpful are the different tools provided by EURCAW-Pigs to help inspectors during their work?

A more detailed summary of the discussions will follow soon. This will be a combined summary of the outcomes of the three Roadshows.

Introphoto: Roadshow meeting in The Netherlands (©EURCAW-Pigs)